
Dear Tony,111111

i am Becky from HUHD headset,colleague of Corrow,she called you yesterday.

We are so grateful and happy to see you already  removed the feedback.

And we will resend you a totally new headset tomorrow.

Could you kindly please also help to remove the one star review ?

We really appreciate your help.

As a new seller, we still have a lot of things need to learn and improve.

Your kind help will help us to keep our seller account in safe condition.

Now our seller account was in danger now as some other store is competing with us spitefully lately.

We are still appealing with Amazon on this issue . We really need your help and support.

Thanks in advance and have a good day!


comes direct from China, makes out like its UK stock, reduced the item the day after I bought it by £25, not happy

I will not revise my feedback, as I believe that we are receiving sub standard stock from China. My item was sent from China, not from UK stock, and all I will do is move my bad review from one item to the other, as I feel the feedback is justified.

I shop on Amazon to get legitimately sold goods that work, these do not, and I’m certainly not sending them back to China.

I am fed up with this American tradition of this Black Friday nonsense, if you can afford to sell things at the price on Black Friday, then they they must be really inflated during the rest of the year, I do not support this practice, and like many other people, starting to boycott sites like Amazon that encourage this sort of pricing strategy.

Dear Mrs G.Barton,

This is Andrew, the customer service manager of HUHD Headset Company.

Thank you for writing review back to us.

We feel guilty and apologize for the trouble and inconvenience we brought to you. And we collect buyers’ reviews and feedbacks to our technical team.

As a new seller on Amazon,we still have a lot of things need to learn and improve.

We really appreciate and any valuable advice come from any respected customer like you.we will take measures to improve accordingly.

We agree on your impartial opinion on the price.

So we decide to refund you £10 as the balance you overpaid.

And you do not need to send us this headset.

We have been using Amazon’s FBA shipment service, but sometimes ,the Amazon warehouse in UK is out of stock, and then we need to deliver the items from China factory. That is very few part of our orders. We will try our best to prepare more stocks in our UK Amazon warehouse to ensure every order to be delivered form UK.

Now our seller account was in danger as some other store is competing with us spitefully lately.They reduced their price every several days.

We are still appealing with Amazon on this issue . We really need your help and support.

Is it possible for you kindly help to remove the review and feedback,my lady?

You are a fair and kind lady ,we really appreciate your kind understanding and help.

For any further assistance, feel free to contact us at any point of time and please know that your concerns will be addressed at top priority.

Thanks in advance and have a good day!


We already contacted this buyer many times,no reply.

Please help to remove this feedback as this feedback is complaint about the delivery but it is not dispatched by us .

It is really urgent.

Thanks for your kindly help.


We noticed that this headset is already delivered to you .

Could you kindly let us know the reason you do not need the headset now?

Please know that that we are here to make things easier for you and will do whatever we can to prevent you from bearing any kind of loss.

For any further assistance, feel free to contact us at any point of time and please know that your concerns will be addressed at top priority.

Dear Amazon service team,

As attached you can see a feedback and review form order 203-3707023-6700306.

We write to beg you help to remove them as the y are unreasonable and unfair to us.

> As for the feedback:(more details.please find as attached)

The buyer mixed our two different items.

The one is HW-uk-399M(ASIN:B00NHKEAZ6),the other one is HW-uk-939(ASIN:B00P8UU6F6)
The buyer bought HW-uk-399M,you bought it on Nov.17 with 55.99 GBP,it’s right. And we adjust the price of HW-uk-399M to to 45.99GBP three days ago since it is Black Friday and Christmas eve.

As you know,most of the seller made promotion during these days. We think it is allowed action.But you leave the review for our the other product HW-uk-939,it is wired,but the 399 you ordered is wireless.They are different. 939 is always 31.99 GBP  since we list it on our store.So we did not change price informally.

> As for the shipment,,we send our headset from HK only when the FBA stock is out of stock.

That is very few of order.We have been used your FBA service.and we will try our best to prepare more stock in Amazon ware house to avoid ship ourselves.

> As for the review,at first ,it is totally same as the feedback content.not refer any quality problem of our headset. In fact ,the headset she received is no problem.

But after i explained with the buyer on the fact that she has mixed our two different headsets.

She replied me ,(as attached e-mail) she will not revise the feedback and remove the review from 939 headset to 399 headset, to our surprise ,she changed the review content! She begin to say there is quality problem to our headset.

And we contact her to ask how she connect the headset ,no reply.Actually ,it is a good headset.

We are willing to refund her or resend her a new headset if she sticks to .no reply.

We feel guilty and apologize for the trouble and inconvenience we brought to you.

But as a new seller,we need a fair environment to grow up .

In fact,we have been trying our best to provide best service to our customers.

Our orders is not so many so far,any negative review and feedback is deadly shock to us.

Now our seller account was in danger now as some other store is competing with us spitefully lately.

We are still appealing with Amazon on this issue . We really need your help and support.

So we beg you help to check and remove the review and feedback to us.

Thanks in advance and have a good day!

Dear Amazon service team,

As attached you can find part of e-mails we contacted with George.

At first, George leave us a negative feedback as the headset he received is defective.

And thanks to your help we find George’s contact information and contacted him at once.

We resend him a new headset and teach him how to use this headset in right way.

At last,he learned how to use the headset successfully and agreed on give us a positive review and feedback.

Now,he already rewrite us a positive feedback but don not know how to delete this bad review.

He left his good review to another store carelessly.

Please help him to remove this bad review.

Now our seller account was in danger now as some other store is competing with us spitefully lately.

We are still appealing with Amazon on this issue . We really need your help and support.

Thanks in advance and have a good day!


Dear Amazon service team,

As attached you can find is a bad review and screen shot on calling.

At first, Debbie leave us a negative review as the headset he received is defective.

And thanks to your help we find his contact information and contacted him at once.

We resend him a new headset and teach him how to use this headset in right way.

At last,he learned how to use the headset successfully and agreed on give us a positive review .

He already agreed on give us a good review,but he is too busy to remove his bad review.

Please help to remove it .Or it will influence our account safety.

We really need your help and support.urgent.

Thanks in advance.


Our account is in danger due to some unreasonable bad review lately.

We noticed the warning on that there are problems with our FBA shipment.

I know there are so many unfulfilable items as Product damaged upon arrival.


Shipment ID:FBAG8Q062     ASIN:B00NIMHQ72

Shipment ID:FBAG8PX3X     ASIN:B00NIMHQ68

Will it damage our account safety?and what should we do to solve this problem?

What could we do to deal with the unfulfiable items?

We need your valued advice and help.

Thanks for your reply.


Dear Amazon,

This is a product review,please help to remove.

Or it will have a bad influence to our store.

We contacted this buyer many times ,no reply.

Please help asap,urgent!

Thanks in advance.


Dear Amazon,

Please help to remove this false review,

The buyer said he contacted us and we never reply,totally lie,you can check the our seller account and you will see the

Buyer-Seller Contact Response Time in the last 90 days is 4 hours 39 the total review is a lie and he may didn’t buy this product in our store as we can’t find his order ID.

Unfair and unreasonable,please review ,thank you.


113-4936221-2174601  113-3829740-6155410

更早的第二批 usd 2177.18    CAD:154.65  为什么我们银行卡还是没有收到?
